Tên sản phẩm: MX-CM-700 Zipper Bag Film Blowing Machine Unit

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Mã hàng: MX-CM-700
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Characteristic and features
Based on the Film Blowing Machine, this machine is designed creatively. With an embossing button automatic sealing zip at the very opening, a bag can be produced automatically freely. The main processor adopts frequency conversion speed governing, photoelectric control, air filling automatically, with a high content of science and technology and power applicability.
   We use low density polyvinyl chloride LDPE as our raw material and our products can be used to package food, fruit, medicine, documents, industrial products, clothing, fabric and industrial products for civil use.
Main technical parameters
Name Zipper Bag Film Blowing Machine
Model MX-CM-Zipper-700
Raw Material LDPE(density0.921)  
Max Film Width 200-600mm
Film Thickness 0.03-0.15mm
 Screw Diameter  Φ55
L/D 28:1
Power of Main Motor 7.5kw
Power of Whole Machine 28kw
Output 6-35kg/h
Die head size 70,80,100,130,160,180, 200,230,270,300,350,450
Dimension(L×W×H) 6000×1600×4500mm
Weight 1.5T
广东茂鑫电机有限公司 公司地址
电话:+86 754.8888.1005 - 传真:+86 754.8821.5671

 1404 Room, CT4- The Pride, To Huu Street, Ha Dong District, Ha Noi City, Vietnam
电话:+84 462810457 - 传真:+84 462810457

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